Bathroom planning specialist

Over time, the bathroom has become more than a functional space for your home. In these hectic times, the bathroom is a place of relaxation, a place of health and wellness.

Arranging a bathroom is not a simple task. Bathrooms are getting smaller, but the number of elements we have to place in it is not decreasing. Achieving a harmonious, beautiful and functional bathroom is becoming increasingly difficult without the help of a bathroom planning specialist.

Advantages of hiring a bathroom planning and decoration specialist:

Choosing ceramics for the bathroom is not only the choice of design and colour. There are many advantages and disadvantages of certain types of ceramics that need to be considered.

The positions and dimensions of the elements often give a headache and become a difficult problem to solve after the purchase, and this is something that the bathroom decoration specialist will pay special attention to.

Modern and attractive bathrooms are also known for being expensive, but sometimes simple tricks and real details can achieve a satisfying effect and a sense of elegance or luxury.

The bathroom decorating specialist skilfully manages the overall offer. The designer knows how to reconcile expectations and budget and create a bathroom space according to the client’s needs.

We perform consultations on decorating and equipping the bathroom in several steps:

Talk to the client and review the bathroom design

Determining the positions and allowable dimensions for individual elements to ensure functionality

Selection of products from the Nexterior online shop.

Purchase and delivery

It is possible to arrange supervision during the arrangement and installation of elements and the recommendation of the team for the execution of the works themselves, depending on the location.

Inquire, request an offer and book an appointment for a consultation with a bathroom design specialist by filling out the inquiry:


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